"Normal day - let us be aware of the treasure you are. Let us learn from you, love you, savor you, bless you before you depart. Let us hold you while we may...!" - Mary Jean Irion
We decided to head into south eastern Arizona to visit some areas that we’ve enjoyed in the past. Bizbee (top photo), Patagonia, Madera Canyon and the Chiricahua Mtns near Portal (bottom photo), were at the top of the list. I’ve had several of my blog followers ask questions on what it’s been like living and traveling in an RV. I’ve decided to dedicate this update to talking about what these past months have been like for me and answering your questions. Someone asked if I’ve been homesick at all. Yes, there have been those days. I miss friends and family, the State and Elk Rapids Theaters, and Oryana Co-op. I haven’t missed my home or beautiful downtown Traverse City, because I know it’s covered with snow and ice, but I look forward to being back to my creek and the beautiful Grand Traverse Bay area when everything starts to turn green and blossom again. I miss the variety of things I do when I’m home. I miss our daughter. She has been in Washington all winter (Blog entry 9/22/09), but when she returns to Traverse City in April, I will be eager to get back so I can spend time with her again. In the meantime, I have enjoyed getting out of the snow for a few months. I think 4 months is enough if we do this again next year. Leaving after the holidays would be better. I like the snow through Christmas and I look forward to Spring.
I’ve always enjoyed traveling and exploring new areas, it’s in my blood. We’ve taken several trips through the years in this 27 foot motor home so I’m used to living in a small space for several months at a time. You would be amazed at the size of some of these rigs that people travel in these days. Dick said some of them range in price from $300,000 to $500,000. They don’t have any more amenities than I do, except for space and a washer and dryer (yes, you read it right). I’m content with my little motor home. Like I said in an earlier blog, we have to be organized and keep things in their place otherwise it's called "clutter". We don’t need much, so storage space is not a problem. We have our two cats with us. It would be easier with just one but we wouldn’t leave one behind. It’s good having a pet along to hug. Traveling with a cat is easier than a dog. A dog has to go outside at night and early in the morning, and often times the mornings are a bit chilly. Someone asked where we kept the litter box. We have the perfect spot under the bed. There is a storage door from the inside that we prop open and there is a door to this space from the outside which makes it easy for cleaning.
Someone asked how do I get by without electricity when we boondock camp, which we do most of the time. I have only used a curling iron once since we left home. I pull my hair up into a ponytail most of the time. I've learned how to make great toast on an iron skillet on the stove burner. I do without the electric toothbrush and just brush harder with a manual one. We do have a generator that we use only to run the vacuum. Dick put a solar panel on the roof and it works great for charging the battery to run lights and heater. It's amazing what you can do without.
We have made several friends along the way. It’s great when we have someone else to talk to. Dick is very entertaining and interesting, but I like to talk with other people too. We did look up our friends from Traverse City, Melissa and Angelo Poli, who now live in Green Valley near where we stayed in Madera Canyon, AZ. We had the best time. We also visited with a couple from Illinois we met while camping in Texas. It was so great connecting with all of them. Now we are back at Pancho Villa State Park in New Mexico where we have met some characters. We fit right in.
We have an Alltel Wireless Stick which gives us a computer connection wherever there is cell phone service. Keeping in touch through email and Facebook really makes a difference for me. Also, we can get the news and hear what’s going on in the world. I haven’t missed not having television. We don’t watch it much at home anyway. It’s amazing how busy we are, yet it's a relaxing lifestyle most of the time. We enjoy hiking, playing cards, watching DVD’s, bird watching and reading to name a few. Dick has enjoyed writing his blogs and always has a story to tell. I was hoping Dick would do more hiking without me because I feel we both need some time apart. I agree with a comment another RVer said, “You have to go outside to change your mind.”
Someone wrote, “How lucky you are to have Dick to travel with - much nicer to have a fun companion than a grouch!” Well, I just have to say that you are so right, but Dick is lucky to have me to travel with too.
P.S. If you have more questions feel free to email me at glmallery@gmail.com
RV Parking Rage
Border Patrol
Dr. R.V. Shrink
P.S. If you have more questions feel free to email me at glmallery@gmail.com
RV Parking Rage
Border Patrol
Dr. R.V. Shrink
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